Grammy-nominee, singer, songwriter, and worship leader Phil Wickham has released a brand new Easter anthem called "Sunday is Coming." This is Wickham's second new single to be released in 2023, and it's already riding the airwaves in the Christian music community. The song's message resonates with believers all around the world by delivering the beautiful emotional story of Holy Week.
WATCH NOW: Phil Wickham - Sunday Is Coming (Official Music Video)
"A great light dawns in Galilee
Some say mad man Some say King
Wonder working rebel priest
Jesus Christ the Nazarene"
The song starts out with simple piano progression, Phil's voice enters and gives us the setting, Galilee, the public start of Jesus' teaching, fulfilling the prophecy as Jesus of Nazareth. As the song progresses, it takes the listener through the events of Jesus' betrayal, to Good Friday, to Resurrection Sunday. The chorus of the song rings powerful and true with the lyrics, "Friday’s good cause Sunday is coming. Don’t lose hope cause Sunday is coming”
The message of the song is one of hope and triumph, and it's a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Wickham's hope is that this song will be used as a tool to point people's eyes and hearts to Jesus, through death and resurrection, to move listeners to repentance, and worship.
WATCH NOW: Sunday Is Coming (Song Story)
RELATED CONTENT: Phil Wickham Preaches to His Own Soul on “This Is Our God”
The heavenly story moves on, by the second verse Jesus already rode a donkey into town on Palm Sunday. He cleansed the temple Monday. Judas betrayed Him on Wednesday. Then Good Friday took center stage and Jesus’ purpose became clear: He came to die, grant forgiveness, then rise in triumph.

The cross was a difficult picture of our beautiful Savior bearing the ugly sins of the world. Saturday, we waited with baited breath. If Jesus defeats the grave, then the prophecies foretold are impeccable, and the forgiveness offered is unfathomable. If Jesus rises from the grave, we have victory. If not, Christianity is simply another false religion making Jesus out to be a liar and a lunatic, but not Lord.
Thankfully, we know how this story ends. Jesus triumphs over the grave and defeats death itself. He does exactly what He says He will do. His resurrection changes the course of history forever.
"He’s alive He’s alive
Hallelujah He’s alive
Give Him praise Lift Him high
Hallelujah He’s alive"
As we near the beautiful Holy Week of Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday, may the reality and significance of it all hit you in big and profound ways. May you be reminded that Jesus is KING and forever will be. Amen. Hallelujah.
"Now Jesus reigns upon the throne
All Heaven sings to Him alone
We watch and wait like a bride for a groom
Oh church arise He’s coming soon"