Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NLT
I’ve been praying for my daughter’s healing for 25 years. Lauren was born with a malformed brain, and in every other way she was perfect, but we had absolutely no clue that when she was born her life would be filled with unimaginable suffering. All these years of pain for her and the heavy burden on our family had us on our faces many times seeking God’s healing power. Although, it isn’t just physical healing alone that we are seeking. As followers of Jesus Christ, we understand that healing encompasses emotional, spiritual, and relational restoration as well. It is during seasons of waiting that our faith is tested, and our dependence on God deepens. So when you find yourself in the waiting room for what feels like far too long, here are five Biblical truths that can be very helpful to remember.
1. God is in control. This is a crucial truth for us to hold onto. While immediate healing may be our preference it may not be God’s will at this time. Remember, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Isaiah 46:9-10 reminds us that God declares the end from the beginning, and His purposes will be accomplished. In times of uncertainty, trust in His perfect plan, knowing that He is working all things for your good and His glory.
2. The Lord promises to be with us in every trial. Deuteronomy 31:8 assures us that the Lord Himself goes before us and will never leave or forsake us. Draw near to Him through prayer, worship, and immersing yourself in His Word. In His presence, we find comfort, peace, and the assurance that He understands our pain and is always with us in our suffering.
3. God’s timing is perfect. Ecclesiastes 3:11 reminds us that God makes everything beautiful in its time. Healing is the ultimate will of God. We are waiting for the day when Jesus brings an end to all suffering. Though waiting may be difficult, remember that God is using this time to strengthen your faith, refine your character, and prepare you for the blessings He has in store. Embrace the process, knowing that His healing will come at the appointed time. This life is not the end.
4. Cultivating a heart of gratitude even through pain. A heart filled with gratitude shifts our perspective and opens our eyes to God’s faithfulness. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 encourages us to give thanks in all circumstances. Recount and record the times that God has provided in the past. Keep a gratitude journal or simply make a list of the things you are grateful for. Gratitude redirects our attention from our struggles to the many ways God has already blessed us. Personally, over the years it has been much more helpful to thank God for the abilities that my daughter does have rather than focus on her inabilities.
5. God designed us to thrive in community. We chose our current church based on the special needs ministry. When I commented to the director that I appreciated how inclusive the church is, she replied, “Lauren is not simply included here, but she belongs here. We need her more than she needs us.” Galatians 6:2 instructs us to carry each other’s burdens and fulfill the law of Christ. Seek out fellow believers who can provide support, encouragement, and prayer. Share your needs with trusted friends or family members who will walk alongside you and remind you of God’s promises.
God is faithful, and His love for us is unwavering. He sees our pain, hears our prayers, and is working behind the scenes for our ultimate good. May our journey of waiting be marked by unwavering trust, enduring hope, and a deepening relationship with our Heavenly Father. Remember, God is the Great Physician, and His healing touch will come. Until then, may you continue to worship, serve, and love others well as you hold fast to the hope of the glorious perfection of heaven forever with the King.
Dig Deeper
1. How can the experience of waiting for God’s healing deepen your relationship with Him and transform your faith?
2. In what ways can the process of waiting for healing shape and refine your character, drawing you closer to the image of Christ?