Waiting For King Jesus

Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 by Scott Savage

Waiting for King Jesus

Last summer, we started watching a new show with our kids. When the show launched, they put two episodes out. They announced their plan to release one episode per week for the next couple months. 

After we finished watching the second episode, I was preparing to turn off the television when one of my kids said, “Well, now what? I want to know what happens next.” To which I replied, “You’re going to have to wait until next week.” In shock, a different child proclaimed, “Next week?! You mean we have to wait a whole week to figure out what happens?”

Oh, these 21st-century children who have no concept of what watching TV was like in the 20th-century! Once I explained how their mom and I used to watch TV when we were kids, I got looks from my children as if I described taking a horse-drawn carriage miles into town to get the weekly mail delivery. 

We live in a time where waiting is the worst! We do our best to avoid it and when we have no way to avoid it, we complain about it and rage against it. 

Have you ever considered how essential waiting is to the story of Jesus’ birth and the celebration of Christmas? 

Zechariah and Elizabeth waited decades to have a baby. Anna and Simeon waited decades at the temple to see the Messiah. The nation of Israel waited hundreds of years for the long-awaited arrival of their King.

This month’s Worship Now theme at Air1 is The King. 

Another group waited for the King, a group which I find particularly fascinating - the Magi. 

We discover that the Magi were waiting for the King when we meet them seeking the King. Matthew 2 begins this way. 

“Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of King Herod. About that time some wise men from eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem, asking, ‘Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.’"

Matthew goes on to tell us how the Magi went from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, met Jesus, worshiped Him, and then returned to their home without tipping Herod to Jesus’ location. 

When you look at the part of the Christmas narrative which involves “the wise men from the east,” you see several actions they took while waiting in order to prepare to meet the King - actions which we would be wise to consider and emulate. 

First, they were waiting and watching. Matthew 2:2 tells us that the wise men “saw his star as it rose.” If you’ve ever been stargazing, you know that you have to be watching as the sun sets and the sky darkens if you want to see a star as it “rises” or appears. The wise men weren’t merely waiting for the arrival of the King; they were prepared and attentive. How many of us when we’re waiting get distracted, get frustrated, and miss the thing we’re waiting for because we’re not ready?

Second, they were willing to go to great lengths. Most scholars believe the wise men traveled a great distance to Jerusalem. It was perhaps hundreds of miles and many months across challenging and dangerous terrain. Considering how far they came and how much they overcame, I step back and consider how far I’d be willing to go for an encounter with Jesus. 

Third, they sought wisdom. The first thing we see the wise men do is ask a question. Some people prefer to make mistakes out of ignorance rather than humble themselves, but the wise men chart a different path. As we wait, how willing are we to be humble if it means becoming wiser and getting where we want to go?

Fourth, they experienced great joy. Matthew 2:9-10 makes specific note of this.

 “And the star they had seen in the east guided them to Bethlehem. It went ahead of them and stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were filled with joy!” 

We often lose our joy amidst the busyness somewhere along the way to Christmas. The wise men didn’t bump into joy; they were filled with joy. When was the last time that the anticipation of an upcoming encounter with Jesus filled you with joy?

Fifth, they brought gifts and were prepared to worship the King. No small amount of ink has been spilled considering the meaning and significance of the gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Whatever the wise men intended these gifts to mean, we know undoubtedly that these gifts were expensive. The wise men either brought a large amount of money to buy those items in Jerusalem or they spent a large amount of money to buy them before they began their long journey. They arrived in Bethlehem prepared to bow before and worship the King with those gifts. We’ll prepare for weeks and months to celebrate Christmas with family and friends, but how much preparation goes into our moments of public and private worship? 

Thinking about the arrival of King Jesus and considering how the Magi waited and responded to His arrival has caused me to do some soul-searching. As I look in the mirror, I see places where I’m the obstacle in my own way. I see how my impatience keeps me from responding to King Jesus like the wise men did. 

If you can relate, then perhaps you need what I think I need. I’m praying this year for Jesus to reawaken me to what He’s done in my life. In her song, “Back to Life,” Zahriya Zachary sings:

 “For I’ve been born again, my heart is free  The hope of heaven before me, the grave behind  Hallelujah You brought me back to life.”    Lyrics from “Back to Life” by Zahriya Zachary
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That’s my prayer for you this Christmas season, too. I pray that you get a fresh glimpse of King Jesus and what He’s done for you. Whatever you’re waiting for this Christmas season, I pray that you’ll respond to that waiting like the Wise Men did and that you’ll worship Jesus with the joy and extravagance we read about in the Nativity Story. Because the King is absolutely worth it!

Scott Savage is a pastor and a writer. He leads Cornerstone Church in Prescott, Arizona. Scott is married to Dani and they are the parents of three “little savages.” He loves helping hurting people forgive others through his Free to Forgive course and you can read more of his writing at scottsavagelive.com

FaithScott SavageThe KingZahriya ZacharyChristian Living

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