Station 2: The Agony in Gethsemane

Posted on Monday, April 4, 2022 by Air1 Pastors

Station 2 The Agony In Gethsemane

He told them, “My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Then Jesus left them…and prayed, “My Father! If this cup cannot be taken away unless I drink it, your will be done.”  - Matthew 26:38, 42 (NLT) 

There was energy among the disciples, as Jesus led them into the Garden of Gethsemane. He had just confided in them, and it was clear and significant. The Garden was very familiar to the disciples since Jesus brought them here many times before, but this time seemed different, as a calm started to settle in.   

The Garden was usually their time away, no crowds, no demands, just time with Jesus. This time, though, Jesus seemed distracted. His disciples could not understand what was about to unfold and the burden that He was bearing.   

It appeared He was no longer focused on teaching and ministering but carrying a burden and bracing for what was about to transpire. With few words, Jesus took three of them aside. In a moment of vulnerability He said, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me” or as we may say, “I am hurting, and I need you right now.”   

From the time sin entered the world, Jesus knew this time would come but now it was here. He walked into a perfect Garden called Eden, only to be met with sin and separation from Adam’s choice. Now He walked into an imperfect Garden on the precipice of His sacrifice to offer hope and healing to the world.   

There was no guilt or regret of His to consider, as He stood at the threshold of judgement, condemnation, and punishment. Although He requested “This cup to pass”, in complete submission, with sweat drops of blood running down, He said “not my will but Yours be done”. 

Pause and Reflect  

  1. Take some time to go to a place, a garden or a getaway spot, to reflect on what Jesus was preparing Himself to do and what He did do for you.
  2. Have you had a time when you knew a struggle or painful situation was coming, even if it was not due to your own actions? Reflect on Jesus’ full surrender, share your heart with God. Tell Him how you feel. In the end, be willing to surrender to God’s will knowing He always bring the best results and He wants to walk with you through it.

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