“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.” - Hebrews 10:24 (NLT)
As parents, summer can be exhausting! One summer when our kids were little, my wife was about to lose her mind. Sarah was attempting to get stuff done around the house, while simultaneously trying to respond to our kids, who were clamoring for her attention. Between the heat of that June afternoon, the pressure of her to-do list, and the little hands wrapped around her legs, she felt ready to burst.
Can you relate? Do you ever get stressed out when summer rolls around? It’s a season that’s celebrated as a time to relax; but as a parent, it can be anything but restful.
On top of the ordinary, daily responsibilities of work and home, there’s the weight of figuring out what your kids are going to do now that school’s out, and there’s the pressure to have the perfect vacation. What we once looked forward to as kids has become a season many of us dread now that we have kids.
That’s why I’m thankful God inspired King Solomon to write these words in Ecclesiastes 8:15:
“So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.”
What Solomon is saying is it’s essential to take a break from getting things done and have fun. Life is busy and hard, and we must be intentional about setting aside time for rest and play.
Don’t worry about creating the perfect vacation or filling up every minute of every day. Simply focus on having fun every day. Sure, adult responsibilities don’t stop once summer sets in, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t stop and enjoy your children. If you let it, summer can be a freeing time for your family. A time to take a deep breath. A time to take an intentional break. A time to soak in the longer days and the warmer weather, together.
There will always be more to do, but your kids won’t always be kids. Make the most of this season.
Digging Deeper
- What stresses you out about summer? How can you reduce your stress as summer begins?
- How can you have more fun as a family this summer?