LOCAL Closer Look: Share & Care House, Seattle-Tacoma

Posted on Sunday, July 2, 2023 by Rafael Sierra

Rafael Sierra talks with Charlene Hamblen, Executive Director of Share & Care House. Share & Care House serves the Seattle-Tacoma area, helping individuals in need retain housing or become housed. Hamblen says they serve people regardless of their background; they recognize each person and their values and help them improve the quality of their lives. Hamblen describes their programs including their Homelessness Prevention Assistance program, Permanent Supportive Housing program, Housing and Essential Needs program, Professional Guardianship and Trustee services, supportive services for people with health needs and more. Hamblen says there is no cost for some of their services. (https://shareandcarehouse.org/)

Original airdate: 7/2/2023 

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Rafael joined EMF in 2012 and covers signals in several U.S. states including major markets like Los Angeles and Dallas-Fort Worth.

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