LOCAL Closer Look: Christian Service Center (Abilene)

Posted on Sunday, July 23, 2023 by Felipe Aguilar

Felipe Aguilar speaks with Jim Clark, Executive Director, Christian Service Center (CSC), in Abilene, TX, about the services and programs they have in place to help people who have fallen on hard times. He describes programs including Seasonal Comfort, Stocking the Home, and Spiritual Nurture. Clark describes and explains the important role that volunteers, and community partners play in enabling CSC to accomplish their mission in the community they serve. He also provides some testimonies of how CSC has impacted the lives of the people they serve. More information available online at (https://www.cscabilene.org).

Original airdate: 7/23/2023 

Closer Look weblink may be shared or posted to social media and/or organization website, but audio may not be duplicated, altered, re-broadcast or streamed without prior approval. May not be used for organizational fundraising purposes. (Educational Media Foundation - All Rights Reserved)

Felipe joined EMF in 2003 and he covers South, Central, and West Texas, New Mexico, and San Juan, PR, including the major market of San Antonio.

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