Josh Baldwin 'Crowns Down' Exclusive Performance

Posted on Monday, June 3, 2024 by Air1 Staff

RELATED CONTENT: Josh Baldwin Leads Gateway Worship’s Regal New Ballad ‘Crowns Down’

In quiet moments of reflection, perhaps during prayer or a walk in the fresh air, there is a humbling truth that can wash over us: none of our earthly achievements or control can hold a candle to God's ultimate majesty. It was the late Queen Victoria herself that said "Oh! how I wish that the Lord would come in my lifetime! I should so love to lay my crown at His feet." Air1 is thrilled to present an exclusive performance by Josh Baldwin of his new song with Gateway Worship, "Crowns Down." This beautiful expression of surrender captures the essence of true worship, where we offer up our earthly power and pride to acknowledge God's rightful place as King of Kings.

RELATED CONTENT: Faith Behind The Song: "Crowns Down" Gateway Worship feat. Josh Baldwin

The song's imagery of laying crowns down at God's feet comes straight from the book of Revelation. In Revelation 4:10 (NLT), twenty-four elders, representing all creation, cast their crowns before the throne of God. This act signifies at the end of days that there will be complete submission and recognition of God's absolute sovereignty. 

The bridge declares worship to the King of the Universe "And holy, holy, holy Is the Lamb upon the throne We join with all of heaven In the everlasting song" these lyrics are enriched by the prophet Isaiah's words in Isaiah 40:26 (NLT): "Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing." In the face of God's immensity and power, all earthly achievements and titles pale in comparison.

RELATED CONTENT: Album Spotlight: 'Made For More' Josh Baldwin

"Crowns Down" is a call to humble ourselves before the Almighty, to acknowledge that true worth and glory belong to Him alone, not from our own accord. As we sing along with Josh, let us reflect on the ways we can surrender our anxieties, ambitions, and even our perceived accomplishments. In letting go, we open ourselves to a deeper connection with our God, joining the chorus of praise to the Lamb that echoes throughout eternity.

Exclusive PerformanceGateway WorshipJosh BaldwinMusic News

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