Worship Now with Tasha Layton

Posted on Thursday, November 26, 2020 by Air1 Staff

Worship Now with Tasha Layton

“Maybe you need the cavalry to show up in your life right now. Maybe there is no possible way that you can do what needs to be done. I was reading in Psalm 33, that you can’t even depend on a warhorse or a great army during a time of need. You have to have God. Kings can’t rely on their armies when they’re in trouble. So the greatest force that you could ever have of strength to come to your aid, we can’t even depend on that. It has to be God. It has to be Christ. “ - Tasha Layton 

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"I know that You have good things planned for me Beyond what I find in my wildest dreams So I will praise You through it all Even before the miracle" -Tasha Layton, "Good Things"
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