"I’m thankful that I found a friend in Jesus
Your faithfulness has never let me down
You’re the rock on which I stand
All other ground is sinking sand"
When standing at the base of a mountain that we are asked to climb, we often find ourselves worrying that the feat will be too much for us to handle. We think that God will be unable to see us through to the top, having forgotten that He already has in the past. In “Always So Good,” Thrive Worship reminds us of the miraculous things we have seen God do in our lives, using it as evidence that He will see us through the challenges of today.
WATCH NOW: Thrive Worship “Always So Good”
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“Always So Good” begins with a confident, acoustic guitar strumming along, as the song’s lyrics declare thankfulness for having a friend in Jesus. This song’s rocking, gospel-worship sound makes a perfect pairing with this message of confidence in Jesus’ provision. No matter what mountain we may be climbing up, this song provides a powerful anthem of triumph.
Through the years, God has led us across many raging rivers, over high peaks and through low valleys. The next time we face down a struggle that God is asking us to go through, we need to resist the urge to fear and hold to the promises He has given us and the ways He has already helped us in the past. Though it may be difficult, we need to choose faith rather than fear.
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“How many promises have You kept
How many times have You come through
Lord I know You’re not done yet
So I will worship You”
“Always So Good” was released as a single in April 2023. Thrive Worship describes itself as “More than a church worship team, Thrive Worship is a collection of people from diverse backgrounds all pointing in the same hope-filled direction. With a singular goal of instilling a passionate pursuit of a future hope, Thrive Worship’s songs are a timely reminder that in the midst of the struggle, Jesus is there, leading the way out.”