"Oh Son of David have mercy on me
My soul is broken and my eyes can’t see
Can you hear me calling, calling out Your name
Oh Son of David have mercy on me"
There are so many aspects of Jesus’ character that it can be easy to forget some of them, as we focus more closely on others. Many people often focus on Jesus’ kindness and gentleness, thinking of Him as a close friend, but they forget that He is also our Lord and a true descendant of one of Israel’s greatest kings, David. In “Son of David,” Ryan Ellis and Brandon Lake call out to the descendant of King David for mercy. In the midst of all of our struggles and conflicts here on earth, we can always raise a cry to Israel’s true King for help, and He will show us mercy.
WATCH NOW: Ryan Ellis “Son of David (Feat. Brandon Lake)”
“Son of David” starts off with Ellis’ voice beginning his plea to the Son of David, accompanied only by the rhythmic vocalizations of a backing chorus of voices before Lake’s voice carries the second verse. As the song drops into the chorus, the song’s full sound comes in, adding in a marching beat that you cannot help but clap along to, as well as the energy of an electric guitar. “Son of David” infuses the rocking sound that it creates with a unique sense of purpose and drive, evoking a feeling of perseverance and strength. This song provides a worship anthem for when you need to push through a difficult situation and lean on God’s mercy to get through it.

We must always remember that, while God may be the true King of Israel, He is also the true King over all creation. No trial or struggle or conflict that we face is outside of his rulership. He can change everything with a single word. So let us not lose heart when we face down giants. Instead, let us remember that we have a King on our side with the power to make them fall.
“I’m blinded and I can’t see
And I'm broken without Your peace
God I need to You come and set me free”
“Son of David” was released in July 2022 as a part of Ryan Ellis’ self-titled debut album. Ellis says about the debut album, “If you find yourself in your own trenches, if you find yourself broken, overwhelmed, missing someone, suffering- there's something here for you. If you find yourself just wanting to listen to something you can vibe out to that still intentionally honors God- there's something here for you.”