"You can try to explain
You can tell me I’m crazy
But I'm the one He changed
What do you call that
You can say it's not real
I used to think this was crazy
But now I'm the one He healed"
Today’s world can constantly cause us to experience a feeling of hopelessness, as our circumstances withhold us from the true joy that we crave. Our surroundings can make it easy to forget that God’s Spirit can change everything in our lives for the better. Thrive Worship reminds us of God’s ability to change our lives and mold every situation into a victory.
WATCH NOW: Thrive Worship “Pour Your Spirit Out” (Official Live Video)
Everyone has found themselves in a season of struggling or a moment of weakness. In times like these, it can feel like we need a miracle to get back on our feet. In this powerful worship anthem, Thrive Worship beckons to us from whatever situation we might find ourselves in. Whether we have been down for a while, or we feel like we are caught in a loop, the song’s resounding chorus of confident voices singing declarations of Truth over driving guitar riffs reminds us that God’s grace is the one constant in our lives that we can cling to.

When we find ourselves in times of difficulty, Thrive Worship inspires us to “ask, seek, knock”, reminding us of classic Biblical examples of God’s willingness and overwhelming power to transform our circumstances, such as the stories of Lazarus, Silas, and Paul. The band also reinforces their call to faith within “Pour Your Spirit Out” by using personal examples of difficult times that God has helped them through. The song gradually builds to a triumphant refrain, calling for God to pour out the power of His Spirit, and bidding listeners to roll away the stones that are keeping them trapped.
“Laying flat on my back
I was crippled by fear
Monthly panic attacks
For nineteen years
But the Lord gave me freedom
As I sat in my chair
In a church I found healing
At the end of a prayer”
“Pour Your Spirit Out'' was released in September 2021 as a part of Thrive Worship’s album, Let’s Have Church. This album is part of Thrive Worship’s movement to revolutionize Christian worship music as they seek to make Christian music accessible to “people who don’t like church”, and longtime churchgoers alike. The band’s mission as a “worship family,” as they describe themselves, is to show people that “the best days really are ahead”.