The heart needs consistent encouragement in order not to drift into seas of discouragement. These seas can pull us down in the waves of unexpected loss, unachieved dreams, betrayal, and even the monotony of everyday life that can feel unfulfilling. If left unchecked, the riptides can pull us into deep waters of despair. But just a simple act of orienting our souls to Truth through the music we listen to can be enough to pull us from those waters.
Here’s a list of the songs you’ve told us are your favorite currents to travel back to the shores of hope on.
Move Your Heart by Maverick City Music
Seeking the eternal treasure of pleasing God serves as the guiding force of Maverick City Music’s song “Move Your Heart”. In a stirring performance done in collaboration with UPPERROOM, Dante Bowe and Elyssa Smith passionately ask God what it is that moves Him. This vulnerable ballad serves as a stunning display of ardent surrender in genuine pursuit of God’s heart.
Jireh by Elevation Worship
What begins as an intimate piano ballad quickly crescendos into a powerhouse gospel anthem singing of God’s faithfulness in “Jireh”. Complete with a full chorus ensemble that declares that God is more than enough even in a storm, “Jireh” is a staple track from the explosive collaboration between Elevation Worship and Maverick City Music that helps listeners understand the depths of God’s provision.
House of the Lord by Phil Wickham
Get your soul ready for a celebration when you walk through the musical doors of “House of the Lord”, Phil Wickham’s latest hit. This triumphant power anthem boldly and exuberantly explores themes of grace-driven transformation and the all-encompassing joy that explodes in God’s house.
Holy Spirit Come by Patrick Mayberry
Patrick Mayberry longs for a falling of the Holy Spirit in “Holy Spirit Come”. With a heart that’s prepared with an expectation of the renewing nature of an encounter with the Lord, this song drives the listener to ask God for a closer movement with the Holy Spirit. Driven by a pronounced acoustic guitar and steady drumline, this song doesn’t let up in passion for the Lord or confidence in His Spirit.
Look What You’ve Done by Tasha Layton
In a stirring and authentic ballad, Tasha Layton sings a modern hymn telling the story of personal redemption in “Look What You’ve Done”. After praising God for the work He has done in her heart and life, Layton closes the chorus with the encouraging Truth that what the enemy did could not trump what God has done. The song reminds the listener both of Christ’s victory on the cross and how that sacrifice leads to the victory God achieves in the transformation of personal salvation.
Know You Will by United
Anyone acquainted with the dizzying pain of loss can take courage that God sees a way when we don’t in “Know You Will”. When pain comes, primarily as a result of loss, the way forward can seem lost and unattainable. The pain becomes the only thing our eyes can see. But UNITED reminds us of God’s track record by proclaiming “You’ve been good on every promise from Eden to Zion. Through every dead end and out of that grave. I don’t know how You make a way, but I know You will.”
Rest On Us by Maverick City Music
Nodding back to the beginning of creation when God’s spirit rested on the waters and then filled the earth, “Rest On Us” by Maverick City Music moves the listener in a call for the spirit of God to rest on and fill His people again. A driving, rhythmic melodic cadence moves the listener with the same persistentency present in the lyrics as Maverick City Music implores God to come. From the beginning to end of the song, the artist helps the listener boldly enter the throne room of God and ask Him to rest on them with His spirit.
Too Good Not to Believe by Cody Carnes
In an awe-inspiring ballad, Cody Carnes reminds us to look back on the stories within our lives that show the hand of the wonder-working God in “Too Good to Not Believe”. By looking at the beauty in our lives, we see that it is Jesus that is the reason for the miracles we’ve known. In a driving bridge, Carnes thoroughly encourages the listener’s heart with a list of miracles He has seen God perform. This song serves as a powerful reminder that there is no area of pain or moment of our lives that God will not touch.
Be Alright by Evan Craft
In the hit English-Spanish mix “Be Alright”, Evan Craft and company encourage listeners with the simple yet poignant Truth that everything will be alright no matter the circumstance. This simple acoustic track perfectly matches the Sunday School era mantra that God’s children can rest in -- He’s got the whole world in His hands.
Speak to the Mountains by Chris McClarney
Comparison is the thief of joy, except for when we compare how big God is to how big the mountains in our lives are. In “Speak to the Mountains”, Chris McClarney gently yet strongly sings to the mountains in his life that it is time to move because God is bigger and stronger. This acoustic and rhythmic track encourages listeners to compare their large problems to the size of God in order to understand Who is really in control in their lives.
Living Water by Shane and Shane
Sometimes change can feel like crashing waves or rip tides, but Shane & Shane help us reorient our vision to focus on the refreshment that falls upon our souls when we rest in the living waters of Christ. Even though the living waters flow strongly as they break down strongholds, they also hold us steadily in a current that refreshes us. By infusing dusty ground and dry bones with the refreshing waters of resurrection, the song declares that we will thirst no more as we lay our lives down at the cross.
Heart of the Father by Ryan Ellis
Ryan Ellis rounds out our favorites with his easy listening hit “Heart of the Father” that explores how Christ’s spirit leads us to God’s heart. With effortless vocals that roll over the listener, Ellis declares his gratitude for God’s one-of-a-kind love that offers him a home and safety unlike any he’s ever known. The song’s steady tempo and melody compliment the lyrical consistency as they come together to serve as an anchor for the listener as they are reminded of God’s tender, fatherly heart.