"Nothing Else" by: Cody Carnes

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 by Air1 Staff

"Nothing Else" by: Cody Carnes
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"Oh, I'm not here for blessings - Jesus, You don't owe me anything - More than anything that You can do - I just want You" - lyrics from "Nothing Else"

Cody Carnes is a worship leader and songwriter whose passion is to create a meeting place for God and people with music. He spends most of his time traveling and leading worship with his wife Kari Jobe Carnes. In this Behind The Music, he shares the story of how his new song "Nothing Else" came about...

"I remember kind of right there in that moment having this revelation, this light bulb moment ... when we all figured out that it should say, you know, 'I'm not here for blessings Jesus you don't owe me anything.' It was like it was something that my heart needed to say that I didn't even know." As the conversation continues, Cody goes on to say, "It's definitely not saying, 'I don't believe that God blesses.' It's not that at all. It's just a posture change of your heart."

For more on the songwriting process, including hearing from God, how the melody came about, and which line comes up over and over again when people talk about "Nothing Else" set some time aside to watch the song story, it's enlightening.

"Nothing Else" Song Story

"I love that it's repentance but it's not shame. And it's repentance with hope." - Lindsay Bentley


"Nothing Else" is a beautifully written song that brought the writers and musicians to a special place with the Lord when creating it. And, it continues to do so at each performance - like with this one at the Passion Conference. By the way, it's ok to close your eyes and rest in His presence while listening!

"Nothing Else" Live:


MusicMusic NewsCody Carnes

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