"While we’re waiting
We’ll be working
We’re believing
The King is on the way"
Jesus tells us in the Bible that He will be returning soon. Though the Lord had to go up to the Father for a time, He will be coming back to show us how the story is meant to end. While at times, we can feel as though He will never return, the day of His triumphant arrival back on Earth is surely coming soon. In “The King Is On The Way,” Jonathan Traylor reminds us of that truth, charging us to work diligently until the moment of His return arrives. How do you want to be found when He does?
WATCH NOW: Jonathan Traylor “The King Is On The Way”
RELATED CONTENT: Jonathan Traylor Heralds The Power of Jesus’ Presence in "We Come Alive"
“The King Is On The Way” begins with a hopeful and inspiring sound, as Traylor proclaims sets our eyes on the promise that Jesus is coming. Traylor’s hopeful, home-grown rock sound makes Christ’s eventual return all the more imminent in our minds. Despite the obstacles on the trail, this song encourages us as we continue to run the race, as we continue to serve, and as we continue to praise, louder and louder.
Though it may be tempting to grow lazy, forsaking the work that God has placed before us. When our King returns, will He find us still hard at work, or will we fall victim to the temptation of the sluggard? We commend this song for keeping our eyes on the truth amid all the distractions we can face. We will not have to wait much longer for that glorious day. Our Lord is coming back. Count on it.
“Our song is getting louder
Our praise is getting bolder
The wait is nearly over
The King is on the way”
“The King Is On The Way” was released as a part of Traylor’s EP, “Close Than You Think” in April 2023. Traylor remains humble as his name continues to grow. “I just can’t wait to grow up and get old and see this music continuing to encourage my children and their children. That’s success to me. Getting awards or nominations – if it happens, that’s great. But for people to get closer to God, to come to know Him more, through the music.”