Elevation Worship Featuring Maverick City Music Help Listeners Remember the Key to Transcending Contentment in “Jireh”
"I hear Your voice carried in the rhythm of the wind to call me out
You would cross an ocean so I wouldn’t drown
You’ve never been closer than You are right now"
The explosive collaboration between Elevation Worship and Maverick City Music continues to impact listeners with the powerful reminder that they can be content in every circumstance because God is their provider in “Jireh”. What begins as an intimate piano ballad quickly crescendos into a powerhouse gospel anthem. Complete with a full chorus ensemble that declares that God is more than enough even in a storm, “Jireh”, penned by Chris Brown, Steven Furtick, Chandler Moore, and Naomi Raine, helps listeners understand the depths of God’s provision.
LISTEN NOW: Elevation Worship (Feat. MCM) “Jireh” Official Audio
With sounds of a driving drumline and ascending piano underscored by a subtle organ, Elevation Worship and Maverick City Music both elevate the listener’s spirit with promises of God’s faithful love while simultaneously grounding their heart in their identity as His children. After lifting the unfounded burden to provide for God from the listener’s shoulders, the song goes on to ground them with the Truth that God is close and He is working through the storm to hold them. The chorus’ heartbeat is in turn fueled by this encouragement as declarations of resounding contentment founded not on the listener’s ability, but on God’s ability to provide, echo throughout.
“If He dresses the lilies with beauty and splendor, how much more will He clothe you? If He watched over every sparrow, how much more does He love you?”
As the song progresses, the bridge triumphantly declares Biblical promises of God’s faithfulness as evidenced by the way He clothes the lilies and watches the sparrows. These reminders drive the listener to the unwavering Truth that if God will provide so abundantly for the lilies and sparrows, He will do much more to provide for them -- His children.
“Jireh” is one of an incredible number of songs from Elevation Worship’s first collaborative album with Maverick City Music, Old Church Basement. The album focuses on recurring themes of grass roots faith as they develop and mature throughout a believer’s lifetime within a relationship with Christ.
About the Artists
In 2006, when pastor and songwriter Steven Furtick was just launching Elevation Worship in Charlotte, NC, he and his worship team began writing songs and eventually started releasing albums to the general public. His vision was to create a strong, unifying worship culture that made a place for people to connect with God. Between the powerful music of Elevation Worship, as the group came to be called, and the impactful preaching and leadership of Pastor Steven Furtick, this ministry has reached fresh creative and spiritual heights with the release of the band’s provocatively-titled new album, Graves Into Gardens.
Maverick City Music started with a dream to make space for folk that would otherwise live in their own separate worlds. To break the unspoken rules that exist in the CCM and Gospel World! But I think more importantly to be a mega phone for a community of creatives that have been pushed to the margins of the industry of Church Music. What brings us together, and that sound that is vivaciously smacking you in the face the first time you hit play on on a Maverick track. Isn’t the sound of a community that centered around their deprivation, it’s the audacious sound of true belonging: The beautiful harmony of long lost family.