"I trust in God
My Savior
The One who will never fail
He will never fail"
God has promised to save us from the fires of the furnace, staying with us through the whole process. Yet, we are often surprised when we find ourselves in the flames at all. We forget that for Jesus to work a miracle in our lives, we need a reason for that miracle in the first place. With “Trust In God,” Elevation Worship shows us that God strengthens our relationships with Him by allowing us to go through struggles, and consistently saving us from them before they become too much for us to handle. He has never failed us, even when we did not see Him working.
WATCH NOW: Elevation Worship “Trust In God”
RELATED CONTENT: Elevation Worship Depicts A Lord of Wonder in “CAN YOU IMAGINE?”
“Trust In God” begins with a gentle duet between a preaching piano and an acoustic guitar, before Chris Brown’s iconic vocals belt out a new take on a verse from a classic hymn. As Brown sings out a new proclamation of “blessed assurance” in Christ’s love, the song’s energy kicks into gear. Isaiah Templeton also provides a fresh voice to this rocking worship anthem with a hint of southern gospel in its sound. As this legendary collective declares that God came through when they needed Him most, we cannot help but do the same.
We must take care not to forget all the wonderful ways that God has come through for each of us. We can look at all the impossible situations we have gone through and choose to be frustrated that we went through them at all, or we can lift a shout of praise to our Lord that He was able to get us over all the mountains and through all the valleys. This is the difference between walking by faith or walking by sight. Do you trust Him?
RELATED CONTENT: The History of Elevation Worship; A New Worship Sound
“Blessed assurance
Jesus is mine
He's been my fourth man in the fire
Time after time”
“Trust In God” was released as a part of Elevation Worship’s latest album, “CAN YOU IMAGINE?” in May 2023. Chris Brown says that some song ideas take time to fully mature into the final products we hear today. “We’re always collecting ideas for songs. I heard somewhere along the way that the more options you have, the more creative you’ll be. So we never throw out anything. It’s surprising how ideas always come back around.”