"I see signs and I see wonders
I see bursts of living color
Dead things coming back to life again
I believe there’s about to be another resurrection"
We can only imagine the sheer power and hope that the moment of Jesus’ resurrection must have emanated. After three days in the grave, Jesus came back to life as an angel rolled away the stone. In glory, Jesus walked out of the tomb and left sin and death utterly powerless. In this moment, Jesus also knew that His redeemed people would rise from death as well. Even this short snapshot of Christ’s resurrection does not do justice to the triumph and potent might of God that was demonstrated in the moment of His return from death. In Elevation Worship's “What I See,” lead-singer Chris Brown's vocals send forth the triumph of Jesus’ resurrection, as well as the promised joy of our own resurrection upon Jesus’ return.
WATCH NOW: Elevation Worship “What I See (Feat. Chris Brown)”
“What I See” starts off strong and never takes its foot off the gas pedal the whole way through. The song carries with it an innate sense of victory and elation that is heard in the song’s sound. Through heavy use of electric guitars, Elevation Worship creates a worship sound more akin to rock-and-roll than a church choir, which further helps bring to mind the overt power and jubilation of the resurrection of Christ.

Each of us should look ahead with glee, as we prepare for our own eventual resurrection as described in the book of Revelation. With this coming victory in mind, we can begin to view every failure and every stumble as a stepping stone to success. Just as Jesus rose from the darkness of the tomb, we too shall experience the triumph of a resurrection and leave behind the shadows of this world as we step into an eternal life with Him.
“Come alive
Wake up sleeper
He is risen
We are risen with Him”
“What I See” was released in February 2022 as a part of Elevation Worship’s upcoming album, “LION,” which will be fully released on March 4th, 2022. Chris Brown shares about the creation of the new album, “The process of making this album has been unlike any other we’ve had. And I hope every new song touches hearts in a powerful way”.