Bring Worship Now into your home this Thanksgiving with this curated list of songs that will get the whole family feeling grateful and fulfilled.

1. "Hymn of Heaven"

"So let it be today
We shout the hymn of Heaven
With angels and the Saints
We raise a mighty roar"
As Christians, we have an ever-present hope for the future. We know how the story will end. Jesus will be triumphant, and we will sing His praises together in Heaven. When the day comes for Jesus to return and bring His faithful followers home, the suffering and struggling will end and eternal life will be lived to the fullest. In Phil Wickham's “Hymn of Heaven,” this final moment of victory is made into sound. This modern hymn allows us to keep our minds on the coming victory through our days on the earth. We can hold onto hope for tomorrow regardless of what today brings.
2. "All My Praise"

"Hallelujah, thank You, Jesus
For Your patience with me
I was blinded, but now I’m seeing
And Lord, I’m looking at You"
When God brings us through a difficult time, we are likely to praise Him. There is no better feeling than being set free from a bad situation by the power of God. In these moments, we raise up passionate thanks to our savior for His kindness and mercy, but we can often forget to raise our voices in gratitude when things are easy. In “All My Praise,” Ryan Ellis sends up a grateful sound to Christ in simplicity and sanctuary. This joyful song helps us to thank God in moments of peace and prosperity, remembering that God is the one who gave us that peace.
3. "Yahweh (No One)"

"There will be no other God before You
There is no one above You
No one beside You
And nobody like You"
There truly is no one like our God. Through the ages, man has assigned value to idols and attempted to create their own gods to worship, but none of them have ever been worthy of real praise. Our one, true God created the heavens and the earth by simply speaking them into existence. In “YAHWEH (No One),” Chris Tomlin and Elevation Worship team up to bring God’s incomparable nature to light. Our Yahweh is the highest One that there is, and nothing can ever compare to his goodness and glory.
4. "Take You at Your Word"

"I’ll take You at Your word
If You said it I’ll believe it
I’ve seen how good it works
If You start it You’ll complete it"
We often worry about what tomorrow holds for us. We fear that God’s blessing will run out or that God will call us into a situation that we do not want to be in. In these times of worry, we forget to hold to God’s promises to give us a prosperous future and hope for tomorrow. In “Take You At Your Word,” Cody Carnes and Benjamin William Hastings push their doubts to the side and hold to the reassurance of God’s word. God has given us so many promises to reassure us about our future, and we can hold to these promises whenever we begin to worry.
5. "Feels Like a Blessing"

"I was lost running from the man I’m meant to be
Wandered off and woke up in the belly of the beast
I cursed the rain but only now the flood has done its thing
It feels like a blessing falling on me"
Sometimes, the burdens and roadblocks that we face in our lives can be blessings in disguise. When God closes one door, another one is sure to open, but we often forget about His promises for our future when we are in these situations. In “Feels Like a Blessing,” Benjamin William Hastings and JUDAH. remind us that, though we might curse the rain, it can grow some amazing things in our lives that we never would have experienced otherwise.
6. "A Thousand Hallelujahs"

"With a thousand hallelujahs
We magnify Your Name
You alone deserve the glory
The honor and the praise"
God’s goodness and glory cannot be summed up in a single phrase, nor can all of our thanks to Him truly be expressed in a single moment. For all He has done for us and all He has brought us through, our gratitude towards Christ for His great love will never fully be expressed at once. This is why, in heaven, we will forever sing the praises of our Savior. In “A Thousand Hallelujahs,” Brooke Ligertwood gives us a beautiful ballad of praise that reminds us of how good He has been and how greatly He deserves our praise.
7. "Greater Still"

"My shame was wide
Your arms were wider
My guilt was great
Your love was greater still"
When we look at all of our mistakes and shortcomings, they can seem so big; like they are too great to forgive or forget. We have all made mistakes and we all carry sins that seem too vast to conquer from our limited perspectives. While our sin might look big to us, we forget that God’s love is boundless. Brandon Lake's “Greater Still” reminds us of this amazing truth, declaring that while our shame might be wide, His love and grace will always be bigger than any sin that threatens to crush our spirits with shame and doubt.
8. "Oh But God"

"Rich in mercy how You loved me
Too much to let me stay lost
My salvation sent from heaven
Nailing my sin to a cross"
When we try to steer our own ship, we end up crashing against hidden rocks under the surface, leaving our ships broken and leaving us adrift in the water. By trying to get through on our own strength and forsaking the wisdom that God offers us, we land ourselves in rough waters and are in desperate need of saving. In Davy Flowers’ “Oh But God,” we are reminded of God’s incredible capacity to turn our bad situations around for good. We must simply call out to Him and we can know that He will do what is best.