Summer is a time for wonder. The days are long and sunny, the weather is warm, and the world is alive with beauty. It's a time to be outdoors, to explore, and to simply enjoy God’s creation. To help you along this journey we've curated a list of songs that will get you praising wherever you go. These Air1 songs will help you reflect on the wonder of God's omnipresence, the greatness of His love, and the majesty of His power. So put on your sunscreen, grab your beach towel, and fill your summer with some worship in wonder!
1. "Praise You Anywhere"
RELATED CONTENT: Brandon Lake Sings Through the Struggle in "Praise You Anywhere"
It seems that in order to grow, we often have to go through difficult situations and learn to trust God even though we might be hurting. Throughout scripture, we see heroes of the faith who choose to hold onto faith rather than their fear. Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, we need to remember that God can save us from the fire. But even if He doesn’t, our faith should still be in God. In “Praise You Anywhere,” Brandon Lake brings us back to that powerful truth.
2. "Lead On Good Shepherd"
RELATED CONTENT: Patrick Mayberry Shows the Necessity of Struggle in “Lead On Good Shepherd”
When we choose to follow God with our lives rather than leading ourselves, we place an enormous amount of trust in God to see us through to our desired destination. When the path God leads us on takes us through dark valleys, and into difficult places, our trust can begin to waver. In “Lead On Good Shepherd,” Patrick Mayberry reminds us that even though God might lead us through some hard things, He still knows what He is doing and will never let us down. We can often forget that God may need to lead us through these dark times in order to reach a better destination than we could have gotten to otherwise.
3. "Never"
RELATED CONTENT: Tasha Layton Spotlights God’s Sustained Companionship in "Never"
Through the years, we have each had to face down some terrible giants without anyone to fight beside. We have walked through some dark places as the only source of light. In these times, it can be easy to feel like the responsibility for the outcome is solely placed on our shoulders. In reality, God is always working behind the scenes, supporting us in ways that no one else can. In “Never,” Tasha Layton reminds us that God will never forsake or abandon us. Even when the road leads through dark places, God will always be there, working everything out for the good of those who love Him.
4. "Psalm 23 (I Am Not Alone)"
RELATED CONTENT: Phil King & Meredith Andrews Combat Isolation in "Psalm 23 (I Am Not Alone)"
Through some seasons in life, we are blessed to walk side-by-side with faithful companions that can keep us steady when we stumble, but there are some roads that God asks us to walk alone. For all the time that we spend journeying alongside our trusted partners, there will be some trials that we must face on our own. In these seasons of solitary testing, however, we are never truly alone. In “Psalm 23 (I Am Not Alone),” Phil King & Meredith Andrews remind us that God is always there to pick us up when we fall, even in those moments when we feel abandoned by everyone else.
5. "More Than Able"
RELATED CONTENT: Elevation Worship Shows The Possibilities With God in "More Than Able"
In life, there will always be situations we face that will seem impossible. Situations where we feel hopeless, like there is no way to pull out a win. For every season of our lives, there will be a seemingly unscalable mountain that God is asking us to climb. These mountains can make us want to throw in the towel when we stand at their bases and look up, but in every one of them, God provides a way up for us. In “More Than Able,” Elevation Worship reminds us that God has enough power to see us through, and then some. No matter the mountains we face, God always provides a way to climb it.
6. "Silence"
RELATED CONTENT: JWLKRS Worship: Experiencing God's Grace in the Silence
Day in and day out, we cry out to God for help and guidance through the journeys of our lives. Sometimes when we reach out to God, we do not receive an immediate response. In that period of silence, we can begin to feel like God has abandoned us, when in reality, He is still working everything out for our benefit. In “Silence,” JWLKRS Worship brings us the truth that God will never abandon us, charging us to keep the faith even through the quiet space between our prayers and God’s answers.
7. "Plead The Blood"
RELATED CONTENT: Chris Davenport, Brandon Lake & Cody Carnes Shield Themselves with Sacrifice in “Plead The Blood”
Throughout our lives, the enemy tries to discourage us and condemn us because of the ways we have sinned. The enemy loves to tell us that we are not worth Jesus’ love because of the ways we have fallen short, but this message is a lie. In “Plead The Blood,” Chris Davenport, Brandon Lake and Cody Carnes all collaborate to declare that Jesus’ blood is our defense against any accusation that is thrown at us. Jesus’ sacrifice testifies in our defense, so we do not need to be condemned any longer.