Faith Behind The Song: "Trust In God" Elevation Worship

Posted on Friday, August 25, 2023 by Scott Savage

Faith Behind The Song: "Trust In God" Elevation Worship

This is a challenging time. 

Sure, there are tons of advancements which would seem like magic or alien technology to our ancestors. Everything from indoor plumbing and electricity to high-speed internet and smartphones make our lives easier and communication less inhibited.

However, there are challenges hidden underneath all of this “progress.” Our collective mental health is declining, with the explosion of depression, anxiety, and panic. Our physical health is showing dangerous signs, with life spans starting to decline in some Western countries. Our relationships seem more frayed, especially seen in our political and cultural conflict zones. 

For the follower of Jesus, these challenges merely compound the headwinds for trusting and obeying the commands of Jesus. The Jesus-follower who trusts the Scripture and seeks to live those words with courage and boldness is becoming more rare. Church hurt and deconstruction seem to be especially pervasive in some corners of social media. 

I can honestly confess that it seemed easier to trust Jesus when I was younger. The problems I was facing seemed simpler as I look back across time. While I have more experience under my belt, my days often induce weariness, along with worry that perhaps this won’t get better, or a solution won’t emerge to the problem I’m facing.

In this kind of environment, both in our world broadly and in our personal lives specifically, we need to hear encouragement from the voices of those who have been shaken and still trust in Jesus. We need to hear the stories and songs of those who are praising God in the middle of great adversity. 

That’s why I’m grateful for a song like “Trust in God” from Elevation Worship. The chorus is a simple declaration of trust in God’s consistency.

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“Oh I trust in God
My Savior
The one who will never fail
He will never fail”

In an interview with The Christian Beat, Elevation Worship’s Chris Brown shares the heart behind the song. “Psalm 125 says, ‘Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.’ What an incredible promise. For all the things we encounter that aim to make us anxious and fearful, this scripture holds the secret to a stable and peace-filled life. I believe the truth in this song is a needed confession for all of us seeking to follow Jesus daily.

Brown shared the opening verse of Psalm 125 and verse 2 continues that spirit of encouragement. 

“Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, 
so the Lord surrounds his people, both now and forever.”

Our God is not merely a mountain which cannot be shaken and endures forever. He is also the one who surrounds us and offers us protection within the adversity and challenges we’re facing. God offers us this unfailing promise today, just as He has for the countless people who have gone before us. 

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“Trust in God” helps us connect with that legacy by sampling a hymn, “Blessed Assurance,” written in 1873 by Fanny Crosby and Phoebe Knapp.

“Perfect submission, all is at rest
I know the author of tomorrow has ordered my steps
So this is my story and this is my song
I'm praising my risen King and Savior all the day long”

The song also invites us to join others whose story is God’s ordering of their steps, as He reigns and brings salvation in their lives. Recorded with a loud and passionate community of worshipers, “Trust in God” allows us to hear many people declaring “this is my story and this is my song.”

I felt stirred hearing so many people sing, “I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered.” The song stirs the emotions as it builds. But, I also remembered the message behind the emotions of the song. 

A testimony is powerful when it's shared through a big platform like Elevation Worship has. But, as we’re living in an era where trusting in God is becoming more rare and more challenging, we need the voices of those who are much closer to us who have been shaken and still trust. It’s great to hear this truth through a song by a famous band like Elevation Worship, but it can mean even more when that story is told by the person across the table at a restaurant or on the other side of the couch in your living room.

As I listened to this song, I was challenged to share my stories of trusting in God with those close to me. I need to hear someone with flesh that I can touch tell me “Scott, this is my story - I trust in God, He’s never failed me.” I needed the reminder that I have a story (it’s hard to claim I have a song because I’m not a good singer) of God surrounding me in the midst of struggles and pain. There are people around me who need to be encouraged by my testimony, too. 

After all,  when we get to the end of the Bible and we read about how our enemy, Satan, will attack and accuse the followers of Jesus, we are promised the source of our power and our victory. “And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony.” 

Take a few minutes today and listen to Elevation Worship’s “Trust in God.” Remember, you have a story and a song of God’s faithfulness in your life. You may need to remind yourself of that and someone around you may need to hear that testimony today. 

Scott Savage is a pastor and a writer with the best last name in the world. Scott’s writing helps you laugh, challenges you to think, and invites you to grow. He leads Cornerstone Church in Prescott, Arizona. Scott is married to Dani, an award-winning attorney, and they are the parents of three growing savages. You can read more of Scott’s writing at

Elevation WorshipFaith Behind the SongStory Behind the SongBehind the Music

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