![Faith Behind The song "Jesus Does" We The Kingdom](https://cdn.corpemf.com/blogs/66734.png)
It’s hard to be two opposite things at once.
Disciplined with my body but also listening to my body. Full of grace and truth to those around me. Firm with my kids in terms of discipline but also fun in terms of our daily lives together.
Most of us simply punt the idea of being two things at once and we let either a spouse or teammate be what we’re not. My wife is the planner, so I embrace being more spontaneous. I once led alongside someone who was the “saver,” so I embraced my tendency to be the “spender.” Having someone who is strong where we are weak can be helpful, but it’s also a reminder of what we are not.
This is why the character of God is so magnificent and astounding! God is sovereign over all creation and yet He’s available for intimacy with you and me. He created everything and He also cares about the little things in our lives.
In their new song, "Jesus Does," We The Kingdom captures this “both/and” essence of Jesus’ nature and through that gives us a Trinitarian vision of God, which leads to praise!
RELATED CONTENT: We The Kingdom Proclaims the Sweetness of the Savior in "Jesus Does"
They start the song by asking,
“Who tells the sun to rise every morning
Colors the sky with the shades of His glory…
Who holds the orphan, comforts the widow
Cries for injustice, feels every sorrow”
Who does all of this? Well, as the song continually reminds us, “Jesus Does.” The title of the song is especially powerful because it could have just as easily been edited to read “Jesus Did.” There is plenty of material in Scripture which indicates all of the things Jesus did during His time on earth as recorded in the four Gospels. But by titling the song “Jesus Does,” the band reminded us that we praise Jesus for what He continues to do, not merely what He once did.
In an interview with NewReleaseToday.com, Andrew Bergthold shared about the origin of the song.
“We were on a road trip to a men’s retreat, and we were talking, and the idea of the song title 'Jesus Does' came up, and we realized that would be a brilliant concept for a song. We wrote it originally on that trip to and from the men’s retreat, but the chorus was different. It always felt a little off. Years later, Martin suggested we change the chorus to have more of a high-praise hook.”
That high-praise hook in the chorus is repeated throughout the song. It includes a unique Trinitarian expression which helps us understand the differences and roles of the three persons within our God.
“So we sing
Praise to the Father
Who gave us the Son
Praise to the Spirit
Who's living in us”
When we worship and praise the Father, Son, and Spirit, we can begin to experience hope in the midst of our adversity. We can experience peace as seeing a bigger version of God reminds us of God’s majesty and power. As Paul wrote in Romans 15, “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”
While the song articulates some complex theology which may stretch our minds, We The Kingdom is also committed to bringing this song into the mundane moments of our lives. In that same interview with NewReleaseToday.com, Ed Cash shared about his passion for applying the truth behind this song to our daily lives.
“Recently, I saw a sign at a doctor's office that read, 'depression is living in the past, anxiety is living in the future, and to be at peace is to live in the present.' Jesus is the Prince of Peace; if we want to live in peace, we must learn to live in the present. I’ve been striving to live in the moment, inviting Christ into every aspect of my daily life. Doing so has the power to change everything.“
So, what would it mean for you to invite Jesus into every aspect of your daily life? Is there any area where you’re desperate for His power and provision? Is there a situation where you’re hungry for His peace and hoping for His renewal of your passion?
As people who tend to struggle with holding two things at once, this song may be a needed reminder to ensure that you remember Jesus is both God and man, transcendent beyond you and near to you. Despite the popularity of the shirt in the 90s and 00s, Jesus is not “my homeboy” - He is holy and pure! But, He’s also not distant and uninvolved; He’s near to our broken hearts and comforts us in our grief.
What you’ve read here and what you’ll hear the next time you listen to “Jesus Does” is not that this is what Jesus once did for others. What you need to remember today is this is what Jesus does. Jesus does this for you and me and that’s one of many reasons we have to praise Him!
Scott Savage is a pastor and a writer with the best last name in the world. Scott’s writing helps you laugh, challenges you to think, and invites you to grow. He leads Cornerstone Church in Prescott, Arizona. Scott is married to Dani, an award-winning attorney, and they are the parents of three growing savages. You can learn more about Scott’s newest resource, The Start-Over Guide, at scottsavagelive.com.