Faith Behind The Song: 'I Give You My Dreams' Sarai Rivera feat. Tauren Wells

Posted on Monday, September 2, 2024 by Scott Savage

Faith Behind The Song:

We live in a culture that doesn't do context well.

We prefer a TikTok video or Instagram reel to a 30-minute video. We listen to someone's commentary on a thing and form a conclusion without engaging the thing ourselves. While these actions can mean we misunderstand a cultural event or politician's speech, it's an even bigger problem when we bring this same mindset to reading Scripture. 

One of the most misinterpreted Bible verses is also one of the most popular ones. Jeremiah 29:11 reads, "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." It's no wonder this verse is beloved. Everyone wants good plans, a future, and a hope. 

But, in the same way that we should listen carefully to someone's context online, we should also check out the larger context of Jeremiah 29. The prophet had just informed the people that they would be in captivity for 70 years. In verse 7, he encourages the people to build a home in Babylon and seek the prosperity of that city. 

After learning many of them would die in captivity, the people needed the reminder verse 11 brought. Because God's plans didn't seem reasonable - they seemed like a disaster! 

Trusting in God's plans at that time would require tremendous faith and an incredible moment of surrender. We hear the final destination of that kind of journey in the new song from Sarai Rivera and Tauren Wells. Originally written and performed by Rivera, a new version with the award-winning Wells is finding many fans on Air1 Radio. The song concludes with a declaration of faith. 

"Let Your will be done
Your kingdom come in my life, Lord
Your plan, I long for more than mine, yeah."

Those are beautiful words! But like reading Jeremiah 29:11 without reading verses 1-10, the final words only make sense when you've heard all the other lyrics first. 

Rivera wrote candid words that she and Wells sing.

In the opening verse, we hear, "It's not easy to know for certain…So I'll believe it, although I can't see it." Surrender seems beautiful in hindsight, but it's just brutal in the moment! 

The song tells us the truth about choosing our way instead of God's will. "So, let Your will be done. Tried my way and came undone."

Some of us surrender to God's will immediately, while others come around to it, like the younger son in the famous parable in Luke 15. 

RELATED CONTENT: Bilingual Artist Sarai Rivera Taps Tauren Wells For ‘I Give You My Dreams’

Listening to Rivera tell the story of her journey to surrender reminded me of the disciples who left everything to follow Jesus. In Matthew 19, Jesus challenged a rich man to sell all he had, give his money to the poor, and follow Him. After the man walked away because he could not surrender his wealth, Jesus spoke about the cost of following Him. "And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life."

In one verse, Jesus holds two truths together simultaneously. We are called to give up things for Jesus' sake. Those things will not be trivial—they will be dearly loved things and people! At the same time, what we gain in return far surpasses any sacrifice we make.

When I listened to this song and meditated on its lyrics, I was reminded of one of my dad's favorite quotes, which he would include in his sermons when I was a kid. The quote came from Jim Elliott, a missionary to Latin America murdered by the very tribe he was trying to evangelize. Elliott wrote, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." 

Giving God your dreams is difficult. It requires us to deny ourselves and take up our cross, as Mark 8:34 describes. At the same time, embracing this difficulty is far from foolishness. What we gain cannot be lost. We gain Jesus and the life He promises us, a life we cannot achieve on our own and one that goes beyond comprehension. 

So, if you're wrestling with God today and wonder if following Jesus is worth it, turn on "I Give You My Dreams" by Sarai Rivera featuring Tauren Wells. May this song and its Biblical journey encourage you to trust God and surrender today? It may be time to give what you cannot keep to gain what you cannot lose. What might happen when you give God your dreams and embrace His plan for your life?

Scott Savage is a pastor, author, and speaker with the best last name in the world. Scott’s writing helps people transform difficult circumstances into places where they can thrive. He leads Cornerstone Church in Prescott, Arizona, and loves watching movies with his wife and three kids. You can begin Scott’s newest project, The 21 Day Gratitude Challenge, today.

Faith Behind the SongSarai RiveraTauren WellsBehind the Music

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