Faith Behind The Song: 'Faithful Still' KingsPorch

Posted on Monday, July 8, 2024 by Scott Savage

Faith Behind The Song: "Faithful Still" KingsPorch

There is something reassuring about knowing where you came from. 

For instance, before my grandfather died, my parents and brother cleaned his house with him. (My grandmother had dementia, and they needed care beyond what he could provide.) During those days of boxing up the house, my grandfather opened up unprecedentedly, telling stories and sharing memories. 

My family discovered that my grandfather was a Silver Star recipient. Though they did not find the award, somebody found the paperwork, revealing his gallantry. He defended his machine gun turret by himself for 36 hours in Europe. In this moment of resolve, courage, and loyalty, he embodied what we'd witnessed in his life as a father, grandfather, and business owner.

Knowing my grandfather's story helped me understand my attitude and the values our family embodies. This story came to mind as I listened to an incredible new song from KingsPorch, "Faithful Still." 

RELATED CONTENT: KingsPorch Traces God’s Consistent Nature Throughout History on ‘Faithful Still’

The song first caught my attention because of its honest opening verse.

"When my heart is racing deep inside my chest
When I'm underneath the weight of anxiousness|
When my fear is raging, and I can't catch my breath."

These words felt like they emerged from my journal or perhaps yours. Eight years ago this month, I endured a three-week period where I battled daily panic attacks. My heart was racing. Anxiety weighed heavily on me. I thought, "When will this ever stop?!"

This experience makes the chorus even more powerful. 

"You are faithful still
You have carried me through deeper waters
Walked beside me through the fire
Faithful still"

Like my grandfather telling stories from World War 2, courting my grandmother, or running his own business for 40 years, "Faithful Still" invites us to consider how God has been faithful to us.

How has God been faithful to you? Where have you seen God show up in steady ways in a constantly shifting and changing world? 

The Bible's writers constantly remind themselves and their readers of God's faithfulness. Paul speaks to the Thessalonians about this when he writes, "But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one." The writer of Hebrews urges readers to "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise." 

Even in Deuteronomy 7, Moses tells the Israelites, Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands." 

Thinking about my grandfather's stories got me thinking about my stories, including how I survived a violent car accident at age nine, how our family survived my dad's stalker at age 14, how my wife and I survived crushing credit card debt as newlyweds, and how I survived burnout at age 28. 

All of these are testaments to God's faithfulness in my life. He never abandoned me, just as He promised in Matthew 28. His mercy was new every morning like Lamentations 3 describes. As Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians 12, his grace was sufficient for me. 

I love how KingsPorch's chorus draws examples from Scripture to discuss God's faithfulness, mentioning several critical moments in Scripture where God's power was on display. 

"You have carried me through deeper waters" refers to the Israelites crossing the Red Sea in Exodus 14. "Walked beside me through the fire" reminds us of the fourth man in Daniel 3's fiery furnace. "You have closed the mouth of bigger lions" is a clear nod to Daniel's night with the lions in Daniel 6. "Conquered even greater giants" reminds us of David's defeat of Goliath in 1 Samuel 17.

Finally, the band culminates their declaration of God's faithfulness with a simple bridge. "I have a hope, I have a future, I'm a child of the Mountain Mover." Reflecting on God's faithfulness in the past and our identity as his children in the present creates anticipation for the future. When this bridge repeats, feeling something bright and hopeful inside us is nearly impossible.

It seems that "Faithful Still" outlines a simple three-step process for overcoming difficult, even negative emotions. 

First, be honest about your feelings before the Lord. He already knows what's happening inside you, so why pretend you're anything but what you are?! 

Second, consider God's faithfulness to you and other followers of Jesus throughout the Bible and history. Don't forget that you have a testimony of God's work in your life. 

Third, let your meditation on God's faithfulness motivate your next steps of trust and obedience. God has promised to be faithful to you, and He's inviting you to be faithful to Him where you are today. 

I'm grateful for the honest and hopeful offering KingsPorch has brought in "Faithful Still." Their words may be just the encouragement you need today amid your panic attack, stress, or fear. Listen to their song and remember the faithfulness of our God.

Scott Savage is a pastor, author, and speaker with the best last name in the world. Scott’s writing helps people transform difficult circumstances into places where they can thrive. He leads Cornerstone Church in Prescott, Arizona, and loves watching movies with his wife and three kids. You can begin Scott’s newest project, The 21 Day Gratitude Challenge, today.

Faith Behind the SongKingsPorchBehind the Music

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