Ever have a day where nothing seems to go right and everything seems to go wrong? Me too. That was yesterday!
From stuff at work, to parenting our kids, to problems with our car, to betrayal by people we thought we could trust, it seemed like there was frustration at every turn. Sadly, I became short-tempered and took out the frustration I was feeling on those closest to me.
My wife waited for me to get home from an event with my oldest son. After we finished a project and I vented about how I was feeling, she said, “Maybe you just need to go to bed and get a fresh start tomorrow.”
Those words helped me to pick up my head and see beyond this horrible day. If you’ve been through a day like I described, you know how hard it can be to overcome those frustrations and feelings. It can be hard to think about God, much less consider his faithfulness in your life, when you’re drowning in feelings of anger, loss of control, and hurt.
As I was facing those feelings, I heard one of the newest songs on Air1 Radio. “Been So Good” by Elevation Worship with Tiffany Hudson immediately directed me to consider what had been unreachable previously. My experience with the song was similar to what Hudson described in a TikTok post on the Elevation Worship profile.
RELATED CONTENT: Tiffany Hudson Shines on Elevation Worship’s Gratitude-Filled ‘Been So Good’
"I was sent the writing demo for “Been So Good” the night before we recorded it. We were not planning to include this song for that night, but decided to last minute try it out in rehearsal. All I can say, is God met me in my car, as I began to listen and learn this song. I felt so much gratitude and worship rise from me as I began to reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of God. I remember barely being able to squeak out these words during rehearsal because of the tears that would fill my eyes when trying to sing it. That night, we decided to sing it and it felt like such a tangible display of God’s love in the room, almost in a weighty kind of way.
Barely knowing the song enough to really lead it, I felt God release me to just let Him love His people…..to let Him lead it :) I didn’t need to make any type of moment happen. We just needed to be in His presence, like children that needed to be loved by their father."
Hudson’s story mirrored mine as I listened to the song on repeat in my office after I took my wife’s advice. I had gone to bed and woke up to a new day with a fresh sense of hope. Like the prophet described in Lamentations, I discovered a new day with new provision from God. “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”
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Hudson and Elevation Worship describe a similar discovery as the chorus begins in “Been So Good.”
“Cause when I think of how You've blessed me
How Your hand has never let me go
You never let me go
You have been so good to me”
It can be a struggle to win this battle in our mind. Psalm 77 opens with Asaph struggling with his faith. God hasn’t been working in the way Asaph expected. While trying to make sense of the gap between how he has seen God move in the past and how he is experiencing God in the present, Asaph makes an important decision. “Then I recall all you have done, O Lord; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works.”
We cannot control the events of our lives. We cannot prevent adversity or eliminate pain. But what we can do is practice remembering God’s faithfulness to us in the past. We can also hold onto hope rather than fear and forgiveness rather than bitterness. As the writer of Hebrews 10 notes, “Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.”
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Life often feels far from good. There will be days where it’s hard to identify anything good. But, throughout our lives and certainly on those days, we are never abandoned by our good and faithful God. He promised to never leave us nor forsake us.
When the day gets difficult or the situation gets dark, turn on “Been So Good.” Allow Tiffany Hudson and Elevation Worship to give you a reminder of our good God. You may see differently when the song is over.
Scott Savage is a pastor, author, and speaker with the best last name in the world. Scott’s writing helps you laugh, challenges you to think, and invites you to grow. He leads Cornerstone Church in Prescott, Arizona, and watches lots of movies with his wife and three kids. You can begin Scott’s newest project, The 21 Day Gratitude Challenge, today.