Have you ever felt fearful or stressed on your way to work or waiting in the carpool line? Maybe you are feeling pressure from people or circumstances you have little to no control over. When anxiety creeps into our minds, it can feel like there is no escape…..take heart; there is an escape!
God will always pull us out of our darkest places. 1 Peter 5:7 says, "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."(NLT) What better way to put your trust in God than worshipping Him? Here is a list of 7 songs that will help you get started on worshipping through anxiety and laying all your worries at God's feet.
1. Morning By Morning
We have heard it said that God gives us enough for every day that we will face. God provides for us in ways we can never imagine, but He does not give us everything at once. Instead, God expects us to reinvigorate our souls each day by giving up our own control of our lives and placing our faith in Him once again. If we do not habitually refresh our trust in Christ, our faith may grow stale and lose its strength. This truth is substantiated in Pat Barrett's song, “Morning by Morning." In this song, Barrett articulates our constant need for surrender to God and drives us to be faithful to Him, as He has always been faithful to us...
2. Only Jesus
In life, we often fear that God will let us down or hurt us as so many people have done in the past. We think that God is susceptible to the same kind of failings that other people are prone to. In “Only Jesus,” Patrick Mayberry and Chris McClarney remind us of God’s holiness by pointing to the amazing things He does for us. This song reminds us that God’s love is better than what we could find in this world. Only He will never leave us or forsake us, and only His love will carry us to the end...
3. Hymn of Heaven
As Christians, we have an ever-present hope for the future. We know how the story will end. Jesus will be triumphant, and we will sing His praises together in Heaven. When the day comes for Jesus to return and bring His faithful followers home, the suffering and struggling will end and eternal life will be lived to the fullest. In Phil Wickham's “Hymn of Heaven,” this final moment of victory is made into sound. This modern hymn allows us to keep our minds on the coming victory through our days on the earth. We can hold onto hope for tomorrow regardless of what today brings...
4. How Far
Each and every one of us has experienced shame. We have made mistakes and done things that we wish we hadn’t. When this happens, we tend to feel that we have lost God’s favor, being unworthy of His love. In “How Far,” Tasha Layton shows that God’s love does not stop because of our shame. God’s love continually chases us down no matter how far we might have run in our fear. Our sin cannot stop the love of God...
5. For All My Life
We can get so caught up in today’s increasingly energetic and high-profile worship services that we can forget to slow down every once in a while. When we do this, we remember that God also works in the smaller, simpler moments of our lives. As the smoke machines and speakers ring out God’s praise for all to hear in our churches, we need to make sure that we bring God back to the quieter times of life as well. We need to include Him in our humble homes as well as in loud arenas. Taya Smith's “For All My Life” brings a more grounded and simple sound to the UNITED alum’s worship, reminding us to worship in our everyday moments outside of our church services...
6. What He's Done
There are so many different things about God that we can choose to praise. We can praise God for who He is, for how He loves us, for creating us, and much more. In “What He’s Done,” Passion chooses to praise God for all of the things He has done for us. God sent His son to bleed and die to wash away the sin of the world. Now, we are freed from the clutches of death itself, and will sing His praises for the rest of our days. In this song, we have a reminder of God’s love and amazing faithfulness to us...
7. Fear is Not My Future
God can work anything out for the good of His people. Time and time again, God has given us promises to prosper us and lead us into the future that we were always meant to experience. Yet, as troubles come and tragedy strikes, we quickly lose sight of that future. We get lost in the menagerie of fears and worries for today as we lose sight of God’s promises for our future. In “Fear is Not My Future,” Brandon Lake and Chandler David Moore's voices restore hope to our troubled minds, bidding farewell to sickness, heartbreak, and death as we embrace the peace, love, and joy of Christ in our lives...