"These hands that once were chained
Now lifted high in praise
Look where I’m standing now"
We can quickly lose appreciation for our current circumstances when we forget where we have been in the past. Although our current situation might be far from perfect, we can still gain hope when we realize how far we have come from our worst days. The moment we accepted salvation through Christ was the moment we left our darkest times behind and gained a persisting hope that can never be vanquished. We have all spent time wearing the chains of sin and searching for a means of freedom. With Jesus, we have found that freedom and gained not only salvation, but life to the full as well. In “Where I’m Standing Now,” the vocal talents of both Phil Wickham and Brandon Lake sing praise for God’s ability to remold our circumstances and bring us out of difficult situations with an inspirational and electric sound.
WATCH NOW: Phil Wickham “Where I’m Standing Now (feat. Brandon Lake)”
“Where I’m Standing Now” brings to mind God’s deliverance of the Israelites out of their long time spent wandering in the wilderness and into their new home in the promised land. The song’s energy swells as Wickham and Lake sound their freedom in Christ and sing of his powerful, bondage-breaking name. Whatever wilderness we may have wandered through in the past, “Where I’m Standing Now” reminds us to look back and appreciate how far He has already brought us.
Just like the Israelites, it might take some time to reach the destination that God has for us, but each and every one of us has still been promised an eternal home unlike anything we have experienced before. Trials and struggles will still come in this life, but God will lead each of us through our challenges and out the other side in victory. Throughout our lives, we must always remember to look at where we are standing now compared to where we could have been without Jesus.

“Where I’m Standing Now” was released in June 2021 as part of Phil Wickham’s album, “Hymn Of Heaven”. Wickham’s passion for good music that sings the praise of Christ inspires the sound of this album. “I just want to write songs that I'd want to sing with my church in a way that musically lights my heart up, and I think I've done that better on this record than I ever have before,” says Wickham.