"We call you Yaweh
Jehovah the Healer
There’s no doubt we’ve seen it
That’s Your name for a reason"
We call God by many names, but these monikers do not have a real purpose if we do not understand their meanings. The various names of God direct us toward different qualities that God embodies, which can deepen our understanding of His character. Danny Gokey’s “Live Up To Your Name” reveals the truth that God’s different names can directly affect our faith simply by knowing them, and give us a new way to praise Him. God’s names reveal Him as our Healer, our Mighty God, our Good Father, and much more.
WATCH NOW: Danny Gokey “Live Up To Your Name”
“Live Up To Your Name” starts off simply, with a gentle piano and acoustic guitar strumming along to Gokey’s vocals. The song’s lyrics declare that God is worthy of the fame of His many titles, being a Promise Keeper, Miracle Worker, and beyond. Gokey’s voice powers up in the chorus, leading the song’s inspiring rock-worship sound and displaying the impressive range of his vocal talent while shedding light on God’s different traits.

Understanding the names of God can change the way that we think about Him. While we might get focused on one specific aspect of God’s character, we need to realize that God plays many different roles in our lives. God is our Captain, our King, our Friend, our Redeemer. When we realize how much God works in our lives, we gain a full understanding of His character, and how much He loves us. The next time you need a reminder of God’s goodness, you can listen to this song.
“All we’ve seen from You is kindness
It’s just who You are
And we know You are the Savior
By Your stripes and scars”
“Live Up To Your Name” was released as a single in October 2022. Gokey prays that listeners will be positively affected by this song. “I pray you are encouraged by this reminder to focus on all of God’s unchanging attributes – He is so worthy of our worship.”