"I’ve built my life on Jesus
He’s never let me down
He’s faithful in every season
So why would He fail now?"
All of us put our faith in something every day. When we drive across a bridge, we trust the people who built it to have constructed it well enough to withstand our weight. As we sit in our houses, we trust that the roof will not fall down on us. We trust the people who prepare our food at restaurants. Almost everything we do in our lives involves some kind of trust in another person or entity. So why is it so hard to trust in Jesus during difficult times? In his song, “Firm Foundation (He Won’t),” Cody Carnes reminds us that when we put our faith in Jesus, we will never be disappointed with the result. This song proclaims that Jesus will not fail no matter how much the ground might shake or how hard the winds might blow. If we build our lives on the Rock of Jesus, we can weather any storm.
WATCH NOW: Cody Carnes “Firm Foundation (He Won’t)”
“Firm Foundation (He Won’t)” begins with Carnes declaring that Christ is his unshakable foundation, as he proclaims that he’s never been more glad that his faith is in Jesus. With a calm piano and a simple guitar pattern behind Carnes’ voice, the song’s drums slowly begin to beat. As the melody reaches a climax, Carnes harnesses the full power of his vocal as he is accompanied by backing singers and the full power of each instrument to create a powerful and rocking worship sound.

Just like Jesus’ parable of the builders, when we place our houses or base our faiths on different things, a tiny bit of trouble can bring everything crashing down. When we base everything in our lives on Jesus, we can stand up to trouble without needing to worry about anything. Jesus knows the plans He has for us. He plans to do good to us and make us prosper, as He told us so many years ago. The next time trouble comes, if our faith is in Jesus, we can have confidence that we won’t fail, because He won’t fail.
“Rain came and wind blew
But my house was built on You
I’m safe with You
I’m going to make it through”
“Firm Foundation (He Won’t)” was released as a single in December 2021. Cody Carnes continues to produce new ways for people to praise Jesus alongside his wife, Kari Jobe. On Carnes’ new song, Jobe says, “If you build your house on the rock you won't be shaken or taken out by the enemy. Turn this on as loudly as you can today and dance around your house- I dare you.”