"I’ll take You at Your word
If You said it I’ll believe it
I’ve seen how good it works
If You start it You’ll complete it"
We often worry about what tomorrow holds for us. We fear that God’s blessing will run out or that God will call us into a situation that we do not want to be in. In these times of worry, we forget to hold to God’s promises to give us a prosperous future and hope for tomorrow. In “Take You At Your Word,” Cody Carnes and Benjamin William Hastings push their doubts to the side and hold to the reassurance of God’s word. God has given us so many promises to reassure us about our future, and we can hold to these promises whenever we begin to worry.
WATCH NOW: Cody Carnes & Benjamin William Hastings “Take You At Your Word”
“Take You At Your Word” starts off with a bang, as a confident, marching drum beat builds the base of the song. Carnes’ voice enters, proclaiming the comfort of God’s word, even if following it might be a difficult road to follow. The vocal talents of Carnes and Hastings work wonders together, making the perfect pairing for this joyous, rocking worship anthem. The song’s joyful rock sound provides the perfect melody to proclaim our faith in God’s guarantees.

There is a reason why God tells us that we should never worry. God has everything planned out from start to finish, and He will guide our lives in the ways that they need to go. Many of our fears and uncertainties about the future would be abated if we simply decided to take God at His word, as this song says. God cannot lie, so let us start taking His word for what it really is: a promise that cannot be broken.
“You said Your love will never give up
You said Your grace is always enough
You said Your heart would never forget or forsake me”
“Take You At Your Word” was released in September 2022 as a part of Carnes’ latest album, “God Is Good!” On the live performance for the album, Carnes says, “These moments are full of the joy and hope of Jesus. They are a celebration of the goodness of God. I’m praying you also experience that when you listen!”