"You’re still just as good as when I met you
You’re still just as kind don’t let me forget that You’re
Still the same God who led me through the fire"
It can be incredibly easy to lose sight of the invisible and intangible God that we serve. We can be distracted by the very visible and very pressing concerns of our lives, and we can quickly forget just how good our God has been to us before. This can make us forget that God’s love remains the same forever. He continues to bless us in ways that we cannot imagine through our hardest seasons. In “Just As Good,” Chris Renzema and Ellie Holcomb show us the value of keeping a tangible reminder of God’s goodness. With beautiful vocals from both Renzema and Holcomb, “Just As Good” shows us that God is just as faithful and loving to us as He was from the beginning. We can weather any storm and have an unshakable faith in God if we keep with us a reminder of how good He has been in the past.
WATCH NOW: Chris Renzema “Just As Good (feat. Ellie Holcomb)”
Renzema and Holcomb’s collaborative song begins with Renzema’s solo vocal, singing along with a soft beat in the background and a simple piano opening, slowly building as Holcomb’s voice joins into the praise. The themes of the song ring out to God with a refreshing vibrance, breathing new life into a classic worship sound. Renzema and Holcomb’s vocals blend together beautifully to produce an exquisite melody that expertly presents the spirit and message of their song.

“Just As Good” refers to Samuel’s construction of an altar to serve as a reminder of God’s goodness. With this song, Renzema and Holcomb build an altar of music that reminds anyone who hears it of the steadfast and authentic love of Christ. Everyone needs a tangible reminder of God’s goodness to look at in times of uncertainty. This song implores us to build our own Ebenezers and think of them often, lest we forget how faithful God has been and will always be.
“And I will build an altar
Stack it stone by stone
'Cause every ebenezer says I’ve never been alone”
“Just As Good” was released in September 2021 as part of Renzema’s album, “Get Out of the Way of Your Own Heart”. As Renzema explains about this album, “I feel like a lot of what I was struggling with over the last year-and-a-half was mostly about me standing in my own way… A lot of this new album is me trying to express and process feeling a little subpar and trying to allow myself to feel ok and to be a little nicer to myself”.