"There’s honey in the rock
Water in the stone
Manna on the ground
No matter where I go"
It seems so difficult to find a moment of pure peace in today’s world. A moment where we have no worries or stresses and can simply enjoy our lives. Each day, we seem to face uphill battles with uncertain outcomes. We worry about our jobs going under, our cars breaking down, or our families’ safety. We frequently stress over the details of our lives that we cannot control. In Brooke Ligertwood & Brandon Lake's “Honey in the Rock,” these two vocal powerhouses show us that we don’t need to harbor these worries when we have God.
WATCH NOW: Brooke Ligertwood “Honey in the Rock (Feat. Brandon Lake)”
“Honey in the Rock” begins with an organ and choir backing Ligertwood’s smooth and iconic vocals. The song’s energy rises as Lake’s voice joins in, blending with Ligertwood to create a dynamic and multilayered gospel sound. “Honey in the Rock” serves as a bold and unabashed ballad for recognizing God’s care in our lives. The song maintains an overt sense of triumph in surrender, connecting the sacrifice of Jesus to the unending provision of God in our lives.
Ligertwood and Lake focus on several Biblical examples of God’s provision, such as giving manna to the Israelites in the desert to feed them, and bringing water out of a stone to quench their thirst. The sweetest honey in our lives started flowing when Jesus cleansed us of our sins through His death. This song shows that not only does God provide food and basic needs for us, but He also provides healing for our wounds, whether physical or spiritual. His providence keeps providing even when we fall down or walk away. With Jesus, we don’t need to worry. We can trust that God will keep the honey flowing from the least likely places.
“You keep giving
Keep providing
I have all that I need
You are all that I need”
“Honey in the Rock” was released in February 2022 as part of Brooke Ligertwood’s latest live-worship album, “SEVEN”. Ligertwood continues to give credit to Christ for every song she creates, and continues to show His nature in her daily life. “My lived-in, wrestled with and walked-around-in faith in Christ shapes and colors every part of my life and thus anything I create—whether a conversation or a song.”